Featured News

Check out some featured news on what Brand Maverick Entertainment has been apart of recently.
BME & The Hateful Eight
BME & The Hateful Eight

Brand Maverick Entertainment has partnered with R.S.E. to work targeted marking on Quentin Tarantino’s latest film, “The Hateful Eight”

The Hollywood Confidential
The Hollywood Confidential

The Cast of The Perfect Guy (Starring Sanaa Lathan & Michael Ealy) to Speak at The Hollywood Confidential

BME & Warner Brothers Pictures
BME & Warner Brothers Pictures

Brand Maverick Entertainment has partnered with R.S.E. to work targeted marking on Warner Brothers Pictures new film entitled CREED!

Brand Mav·er ·ick

Brand Mav·er ·ick

/ branD ˈmav(ə)rik/

A Brand Maverick is a pioneer and a true authority in their field. A nonconforming thinker who exhibits independence in thought and action, believing their refusal to comply with societal methodologies always results in uncharted and unparalleled success.